quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2016

10º Aniversário "O Teaser" - Making off

Parte 1

Parte 2


Os bLUNDER são a próxima banda do Submarino Noise Magnet Session que irá para o ar no próximo dia 28.

Quem estiver por perto que apareça nesse mesmo dia no São Mamede para o 10º Aniversário do Submarino e pode o programa ouvir depois aqui no blogdosubmarino. Quem estiver por longe que sintonize em 98.0!

sábado, 14 de maio de 2016

10º Aniversário

É já no dia 28 de Maio, marcar na agenda!

sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2016

Disneyland After Dark (D.A.D.)

Outra das bandas favoritas do Submarino. We all fall down: Os Dead Tónios tocá-la-ão??

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2016

Alan Parsons Project

Uma das grandes bandas de rock progressivo dos anos 70/80 e uma canção para recordar...

Let's talk about me for a minute
Well how do you think
I feel about what's been going on
Let's talk about me for a minute
Well how do you think
I feel about what's gone wrong

Let's talk about dreams
I never learned to read the signs
Let's think about what it all means
I never seem to have the time

Let's talk about you and your problems
All that I seem to do is spend the night
Just talking 'bout you and your problems
No matter what I say I can't get it right

Don't think about dreams
Is it all a waste of time
Don't think about what it all means
If you are a friend of mine

Talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's losing
Talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's always losing out

And how do you think
I feel about what's been going on
Let's talk about me for a minute
Well how do you think
I feel about what's gone wrong

Let's think about dreams
We never seem to have the time
Let's talk about what it all means
You are a friend of mine

Let's talk about me
I'm the one who's losing out
I'm the one who's losing out
I'm the one who's losing out, losing out

Talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's losing
Talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's always losing out
I'm the one who's losing out
I'm the one who's losing out
I'm the one who's losing out, losing out

Talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's losing
Talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's losing out
Let's talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's losing
Talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's losing

Read more: The Alan Parsons Project - Let's Talk About Me Lyrics | MetroLyrics